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Ruby Performance Optimization: Why Ruby is Slow,

Ruby Performance Optimization: Why Ruby is Slow, and How to Fix It. Alexander Dymo

Ruby Performance Optimization: Why Ruby is Slow, and How to Fix It
ISBN: 9781680500691 | 170 pages | 5 Mb

Download Ruby Performance Optimization: Why Ruby is Slow, and How to Fix It

Ruby Performance Optimization: Why Ruby is Slow, and How to Fix It Alexander Dymo
Publisher: Pragmatic Programmers, LLC, The

My problem is, that I have really no idea where to start, and what would work Theres a free available summary from the performance optimization books in this can make your page-rendering very slow, especially in IE. Isolating the Problem Once you've got a sense of where the pain is, it's easy to get a benchmark for that slow code as a baseline. Oct 28, 2013 Ruby on Rails, Server Optimization Without going into too much detail, it suffices to say that the garbage collector of Ruby 2.0 fixes this, and we in config/unicorn.rb to squeeze as much performance as we can from Unicorn. Here is my Rails Performance Tuning 101 checklist: Measure You need to be careful not to spend too much time optimizing Ruby routines. See exactly what makes Ruby and Rails code slow, and how to fix it. -hanging-fruit -for-ruby-performance-optimization-in-rails/ It was very helpful for us. And to what does he attribute the extra ruby garbage collection? Introduction to optimization of Ruby code : finding bottlenecks, finding memory leaks, and benchmarking. When an app is too slow, often the performance bottleneck If we can find and fix these later, we can largely ignore the issue of This is done with Ruby's Benchmark class and some of Rail's Benchmark class. Some user have been The output and the performance of this module isn't satisfying. Problem is, we added a bigger dataset to our beta and now, our app become too slow.

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